Monday, May 19, 2008

A Little of This and That

The weekend has passed.
Pretty much a blur.
But here is a little of this and that going on around here (words below the picture):

This is a layout I finished over the weekend. It was one of those stories that have haunted me...literally, every single time I looked at those pictures! LOL. I have said it before not only is scrapbooking preserving memories, art, but it really truly is my therapy.
Our new chore list....let me tell you EVERYONE here loves!!...NOT!! The theory is, every week a person will be responsible for a main room in our home. I am hoping that everyone will get sick of picking up after everyone else realize if they only picked up after themselves there wouldn't be as much to do....woooh. Wishful thinking, but hey - a mom's gotta try.And while I was on a crafty-artsy making thing, I put together some invitations for Bai's 8th Grade Graduation. baby girl is going into high school. SIGH... let's not talk about it right now. ;O)
Although, speaking of Bailey, here is the only picture I have of her and "her guy". No, it wasn't on purpose that they matched. Total cuteness though.

Shawn's bleeding hearts ("that he grew all by himself from seed") are in full bloom. Some are kind of blurry because of the wind, but they are still pretty impressive. My new clearance bag for 5 BUCKS!
AND it's reversible!!! So it was technically only $2.50 per bag because I bought a two-fer!Last of my sharing for today is the total coolness scrapbag from a lss. Ang and her crew have joined the Go Green wagon with this awesome idea. Pretty dang cool and diggin' the bag.

Alright my friends.
Mason and I are off to the library and I am getting ready for work.
Picked up some extra tonight...good times for me.

Hope you all have a fabulous week.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Love the idea of everyone being responsible for a room.

Shawns bleeding hearts rock!

Awwww, to Bai and her beau!

Love that bag, got any extras! LOL

Sooo happy to see you blogging again!

Love my list?