3.) Yes Bai and Shawn crack me up!!! They were playing for the camera...kind of. LOL! Shawn was annoying Bai and then they started posing. Goh...I love my little family of comedians.

5.) Our only tradition for the past 15 years at Christmas time has been Christmas Eve pj's. The one gift Bai and Mase get to open and even though they know what it is, they still get excited.
6.) Made it through first day of classes today. It is back to the old same old same old. Kind of icky but if you look on the positive side (which I totally TRY to do) I am a day closer to my goal. Two semesters, 15 weeks, and 3 days left ..... not that I am counting or anything :O)

7.) The only thing I love about winter are the big fat snow flakes and when the ice looks so stunning on the trees. This photo is a close up of a tree in our yard. Looks kind of cool. Wish there would have been some different lighting but by time there was I had forgotten to take the pictures.
8.) I have a really messy house right now that is niggling on my mind while I sit here and type. Guess what I get to do when I am done?

9.) These windmill thingies are sprouting up the next town over. I had heard they were putting them up but was shocked at how big they were until I drove by them. The picture doesn't quite give them justice at how incredibly HUGE they are...pretty impressive.
10.) Had a lunch with a old (not that we are old!!!!!!!!!!) class mate and it was soooo incredibly nice. I miss the connection of history with people. Ya know?

Alright...as always there is more random-ness, but I have to save it for another day because the dog needs to go out, dinner needs to get started, my phone is ringing, Mason wants on the computer, and did I mention my house is a mess?
Hugs and happies.
My house is a wreck too. But with 2- 15 yr. olds working on a major project that involves paper mache & paint. It's gonna be.
Good luck with this semester.
Oh man I feel the same way...knowing how messy everything is here while I'm at work totally makes for a long day...then I get here and don't want to do a darn thing! LOL
I love the PJ tradition!!!! Totally made me smile!!!!
You are so close to your goal...so excited for you!
CUte photos! Nice to see a post from you!
Speaking of messy houses....
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