Sometimes I just feel the whole meaning of the season has been lost.
Sometimes I feel like we do things during Christmas time that we normally wouldn't do out of obligation or guilt and that bothers me.
I would rather have the warm fuzzies of giving and happieness all year long, not when it is so commercialized.
It doesn't help that Shawn and I do not come from solid healthy families.
The traditions you see on TV or hear about are not ours.
We try our best but the season has lost its meaning for us.
Didn't mean to start of my blog on such a downer of a subject...LOL!
Let me find some happiness to share.
1. I'm not sure if you can read the bottom line but I found it when I was going through Mason's homework. It was his spelling words and he had to make a sentence using inspire. He wrote "My Mom inspires me." Yep...totally gave me warm fuzzies!

*****This is the kind of stuff I love. The everyday happy stuff.
3. Does anyone else out there have issues with their teenager wanting to wear summer clothes in the dead of winter????? I cannot for the life of me seem to get Bailey to stop wearing slip on shoes without socks. Drives me nuts! Guess it is equal to when I used to go to school with my hair wet in winter and my mom would say it was going to freeze and break off. (It never did so I guess Bailey's feet wont freeze and fall off)
4. At lease she does wear a scarf..... when we went Christmas tree hunting she did wear a scarf, although she didn't bring gloves. GRRRRR. I gave her mine with a lecture. Do you think the lecture helps?........someone please tell me the seeds get planted they just take a while to grow....

5. I have been working on making some Christmas presents in my studio. Sooooooo flippin' nice to have time to create. Going back in as soon as I am done blogging and I am setting all projects aside to do a scrapbook page! (Just typing that totally made me smile)
6. Me and my love. I might have mentioned a time or two that I love this man.....even when he acts like my third child.
6. This week I have made a homemade meal EVERY NIGHT! Love that. Life is so much smoother around our home when we have a 'domestic engineer' (AKA wife, stay at home mom).

7. Mason was a bit excited to decorate the Christmas tree. He kept singing the 12 days of Christmas which was the song they learned for the Christmas program. He is on the fence about Santa (I have issues about the Santa thing but I will save it for another blog in which I don't sound like such a scrooge). This boy has an incredible about of creativeness.....just need to harness and organize it. LOL!
Hugs and happies.
No her toes won't freeze off but the 1st time some one says something about her toes being blue. I bet she puts on socks.
If you can learn how to harness creativity let me know.
You can always email me and vent about Christmas and the commercialism anyday, I'll listen.
I hear you about the commercialism. I feel like I have to keep up with what all the other parents are buying their kids. We don't come from solid families either, so it's difficult. On one hand I love it, but on the other...
well you know what I mean.
Oh my god! Mason is inspired by you. I would cry. Total awesomeness.
My son is 10 and starting to pull the whole too cool for gloves and zipping my jacket thing. Grrr.
Love it when you blog.
You inspire me too!
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