Enjoying the decreased stress level.
Enjoying my handsome husband.
Enjoying my funny, sweet daughter.
Enjoying my lively, witty son.
Enjoying connecting with friends from my past.
Enjoying connecting with my close family friends.
Enjoying my memories.
Enjoying creating.
Just enjoying life right now.
Will catch up with you soon.
Hugs and loves.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
And all that jazz...
For the most part...I generally don't like this time of year.
Sometimes I just feel the whole meaning of the season has been lost.
Sometimes I feel like we do things during Christmas time that we normally wouldn't do out of obligation or guilt and that bothers me.
I would rather have the warm fuzzies of giving and happieness all year long, not when it is so commercialized.
It doesn't help that Shawn and I do not come from solid healthy families.
The traditions you see on TV or hear about are not ours.
We try our best but the season has lost its meaning for us.
Didn't mean to start of my blog on such a downer of a subject...LOL!
Let me find some happiness to share.
1. I'm not sure if you can read the bottom line but I found it when I was going through Mason's homework. It was his spelling words and he had to make a sentence using inspire. He wrote "My Mom inspires me." Yep...totally gave me warm fuzzies!
2. Because I have such awesome kids I'll share a Bailey story. She did a power point presentation of "I love you." By Bailey Moore. I wish I could post it but cannot figure out how. She did a slide for each myself, Shawn, Mason, and our family. A picture of her and each of us and why she loved us, along with the slide being our favorite colors. Totally rocked out loud.
*****This is the kind of stuff I love. The everyday happy stuff.
3. Does anyone else out there have issues with their teenager wanting to wear summer clothes in the dead of winter????? I cannot for the life of me seem to get Bailey to stop wearing slip on shoes without socks. Drives me nuts! Guess it is equal to when I used to go to school with my hair wet in winter and my mom would say it was going to freeze and break off. (It never did so I guess Bailey's feet wont freeze and fall off)
4. At lease she does wear a scarf..... when we went Christmas tree hunting she did wear a scarf, although she didn't bring gloves. GRRRRR. I gave her mine with a lecture. Do you think the lecture helps?........someone please tell me the seeds get planted they just take a while to grow....

5. I have been working on making some Christmas presents in my studio. Sooooooo flippin' nice to have time to create. Going back in as soon as I am done blogging and I am setting all projects aside to do a scrapbook page! (Just typing that totally made me smile)
Sometimes I just feel the whole meaning of the season has been lost.
Sometimes I feel like we do things during Christmas time that we normally wouldn't do out of obligation or guilt and that bothers me.
I would rather have the warm fuzzies of giving and happieness all year long, not when it is so commercialized.
It doesn't help that Shawn and I do not come from solid healthy families.
The traditions you see on TV or hear about are not ours.
We try our best but the season has lost its meaning for us.
Didn't mean to start of my blog on such a downer of a subject...LOL!
Let me find some happiness to share.
1. I'm not sure if you can read the bottom line but I found it when I was going through Mason's homework. It was his spelling words and he had to make a sentence using inspire. He wrote "My Mom inspires me." Yep...totally gave me warm fuzzies!

*****This is the kind of stuff I love. The everyday happy stuff.
3. Does anyone else out there have issues with their teenager wanting to wear summer clothes in the dead of winter????? I cannot for the life of me seem to get Bailey to stop wearing slip on shoes without socks. Drives me nuts! Guess it is equal to when I used to go to school with my hair wet in winter and my mom would say it was going to freeze and break off. (It never did so I guess Bailey's feet wont freeze and fall off)
4. At lease she does wear a scarf..... when we went Christmas tree hunting she did wear a scarf, although she didn't bring gloves. GRRRRR. I gave her mine with a lecture. Do you think the lecture helps?........someone please tell me the seeds get planted they just take a while to grow....

5. I have been working on making some Christmas presents in my studio. Sooooooo flippin' nice to have time to create. Going back in as soon as I am done blogging and I am setting all projects aside to do a scrapbook page! (Just typing that totally made me smile)
6. Me and my love. I might have mentioned a time or two that I love this man.....even when he acts like my third child.
6. This week I have made a homemade meal EVERY NIGHT! Love that. Life is so much smoother around our home when we have a 'domestic engineer' (AKA wife, stay at home mom).

7. Mason was a bit excited to decorate the Christmas tree. He kept singing the 12 days of Christmas which was the song they learned for the Christmas program. He is on the fence about Santa (I have issues about the Santa thing but I will save it for another blog in which I don't sound like such a scrooge). This boy has an incredible about of creativeness.....just need to harness and organize it. LOL!
Hugs and happies.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
HERE I AM.....
OK, seriously?!
For some reason it seems there is something in the air going against me to blog!
Went to blog here this afternoon and my computer totally goes ape-poop.
Ended up having to unplug everything and start all over.
Wish I was more computer literate! Maybe when I finish school I will take a computer class.
So anyhoo...
here is my list of Michelle's random blog thoughts:
1. DONE with this semester of school. Only 3 more to go until I can sit for the RN boards! WOOT WOOT!
2. Really don't like it being cold.....
3. Here is a picture that makes me smile for many reasons. 1. Bai jumped in the shot of Shawn taking a picture of me in pig tails. 2. I am wearing pig tales (it was a pig-tail-test-day) 3. You can see the prom picture of me and Shawn...a long time ago! AND here in a couple of years Bai will be going to prom...too funny how fast time goes by.
4. Working on getting my Christmas cards out today in between naps, blogging, and a bit of cleaning...and I do mean "a bit".
5. Another picture I found on my camera that made me laugh when I was uploading. Bai's bf came over and the kiddos were playing wii. Bai was taking pictures and her bf isn't so much of a picture taker. LOL! And just to point out...Bailey's look is IDENTICAL to Shawn's pouty-mad face, and Mason's look is IDENTICAL to my 'heeeeeyyyy' face.
6. I am working on a little book blog....inspired TOTALLY by Ms Leah. But that will have to wait until another day because as it stands right now, Mason is looking over my shoulder asking if I am done yet....think he wants my attention.
For some reason it seems there is something in the air going against me to blog!
Went to blog here this afternoon and my computer totally goes ape-poop.
Ended up having to unplug everything and start all over.
Wish I was more computer literate! Maybe when I finish school I will take a computer class.
So anyhoo...
here is my list of Michelle's random blog thoughts:
1. DONE with this semester of school. Only 3 more to go until I can sit for the RN boards! WOOT WOOT!
2. Really don't like it being cold.....
3. Here is a picture that makes me smile for many reasons. 1. Bai jumped in the shot of Shawn taking a picture of me in pig tails. 2. I am wearing pig tales (it was a pig-tail-test-day) 3. You can see the prom picture of me and Shawn...a long time ago! AND here in a couple of years Bai will be going to prom...too funny how fast time goes by.

5. Another picture I found on my camera that made me laugh when I was uploading. Bai's bf came over and the kiddos were playing wii. Bai was taking pictures and her bf isn't so much of a picture taker. LOL! And just to point out...Bailey's look is IDENTICAL to Shawn's pouty-mad face, and Mason's look is IDENTICAL to my 'heeeeeyyyy' face.
7. Have to work in the ED tomorrow. Good times.
8. I have about 10 projects I am working on and actually have ALL of next week to do them! Woot Woot! (again)
9. Watched Stepbrothers the other day and have to say it cracked me up!!! Usually it takes me a couple of times to watch those stupid man movies before I can find the humor, but this one had me flippin' LAUGHING OUT LOUD.
10. My word for 2009 (I think) will be GO. Go with the flow. Go do... Let it GO. Go get 'em. Go Michelle! Go out and find your happies. Go make people happy. Go create. Let's GO together. GO!
speaking of Go...I've got to go.
Mason needs mom time.
A quick note: I used capital letters a lot in the blog and it makes me giggle.
Hugs and happies.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I lied a little
OK, so I ran out of time to blog my catch up today....
Be here or be square...lol!
And I really mean it this time.
Hugs and happies.
Be here or be square...lol!
And I really mean it this time.
Hugs and happies.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'll Be Back....
Hey there.
Just wanted to say that I will play my game of catch up tomorrow.
So be here or be square.
Hugs and happies.
Just wanted to say that I will play my game of catch up tomorrow.
So be here or be square.
Hugs and happies.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A List As Big As My......
Hey all.
As usual, I have a long list of things to share and know I will forget most of it until after I log off....but here are some things:
1. Thanksgiving was very nice. My super uber cool cousin Renae had a dinner at her house the day after Thanksgiving and was soooo nice and relaxing. No family drama, no 'why don't you call us', no guilt at having a busy life and being a poor manager of time....just nice relaxing fun. She rocked the ham too!
2. I have one more day and one more final and I am DONE with this semester!!! WHOOT WHOOT!
3. I really, really, like this picture of Bailey. It was taken on Thanksgiving and not sure what it is because she is getting ready to stick out her tongue to be a sassy girl, but I really like this picture.
4. Mason and his GG (great-grandma). GG is Shawn's grandma...how lucky he is to still have his grandma's.
5. Shawn and I with our matching outfits..that HE totally did! OK, he really didn't I did after he was dressed but all day I totally blamed him. LOL!
6. Shawn's cousin Cecily....totally makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD looking at this picture!
7. Noticed the other day that Mason is getting the pre-puberty chubbiness that happens before you really start to grow into a little man. About made me want to cry! I told him that if he was going to start growing armpit hairs I was going to pluck them while he slept. LOL! He said "yeah, right mom".
As usual, I have a long list of things to share and know I will forget most of it until after I log off....but here are some things:
1. Thanksgiving was very nice. My super uber cool cousin Renae had a dinner at her house the day after Thanksgiving and was soooo nice and relaxing. No family drama, no 'why don't you call us', no guilt at having a busy life and being a poor manager of time....just nice relaxing fun. She rocked the ham too!

3. I really, really, like this picture of Bailey. It was taken on Thanksgiving and not sure what it is because she is getting ready to stick out her tongue to be a sassy girl, but I really like this picture.

8. Love, love, LOVE Tim Holtz's 12 tags of Christmas! Go to his blog and post for some goodies and for some inspirations.
9. Have to go to work tonight...bleck!
10. We had the first snow and first snow day for the kiddos. Loved the snow fresh...don't so much like the mushy, black, wet melty stuff after.
11. Going to get Christmas tree this weekend I think...we shall see what the boss has planned.
12. Watched the movie Handcock and really liked it. Has Will Smith ever been in a bad movie?
My mind is going blank....hahaha, yeah - I know totally normal for me.
So I am going to go pick Mason up from school and work in my studio a bit before I go off to work.
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