Thursday, March 13, 2008

...Just Saying.

1. Bailey informed me her catch phrase was "just saying" (said at the end of what was just said) and I exaggerated the other saying. Maybe I did, but regardless she is something else...just saying.

2. I really like to blog in list format...just saying.

3. Thanks to all for the sweet comments on my blogs and in emails. Totally makes me smile...just saying.

4. Finished my last scrapbooking class last night for this session yesterday. It was a great learning experience. I have a whole list of things to do better or not to do at all and the must do's. I enjoyed meeting new people and I am thrilled of the request for more...just saying. (LOL, might be getting old for you but it is cracking me up!)

5. Not posting any pics today and feel like my blog is missing something...just saying.

6. I have a new saying when I am hungry. WWBD. (What Would Bob Do). We watch The Biggest Loser and I L-O-V-E Bob Harper. Someone said that on the last episode and it made me laugh. WWBD....just saying.

7. Have more to say but I need to go pick up Mase from school. Wanted to get a post in for the day before it was next week...just saying.

8. One more is a BEAUTIFUL DAY! today!!!!! Hello spring, let me give you a great big hug!....just saying.

Hugs and Happies.


dr said...

Spring has sprung
& it's only just begun

The skies a clear
the air is crisp

So get outside
& start playin'
..... just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.