Really don't even know where to start.
Ummmm.....can everyone give me a moment of silence for my laptop. May she RIP. And may all of the computer-money-making jerks rot in h..................................I will get back to the computer stuff later. I am still a bit bitter and sensitive. Suffice it to say, I am stuck on the 'grandma' main computer for awhile. Grrrrr. Please hang with me through my frustration.
Haven't really done all that much scrappin. Went to a crop the other weekend and honestly it was a totally mixed kind of a crop. Had a blast laughing and enjoyed spending time with the girlies at our table but there were other issues that kind of put a damper on my enjoyment. There were some ickies before I had arrived that I carried with me. Didn't get much done. Although I do say, for the most part I am a stay-at-home 'productive' scrapper and at crops ... well not so productive BUT I L-O-V-E them. Love the laughing and sharing with some cool "rockstar" girlies.
Bailey and Mason have both started the school/sports schedule. We are all doing well with the adjustments. I cannot even begin to tell you how incredibly awesome it is to have Shawn home in the evenings.
My schooling is moving along. I have a pretty light semester due to some financial stuff. It seems that someone is watching out for me because I was needing a lighter semester although I wouldn't admit that to myself. It is nice to be able to breathe - even while doing a lot of running and feeling like I don't get much of anything done.....I can breathe.
In the past week I have read a freakin' awesome series of books by Stephanie Meyer, "Twilight", "New Moon", and "Eclipse". I will tell you NOTHING about them other than if you are a reader.....READ THEM! I have burned very late nights and dishes have sat unwashed, and laundry has backed up........to read these books. Very good......OK, I will quit about the books. But OMGoh!....they are good. ;0)
Received a super cool, exciting, cannot freakin believe it, hope that it works out, thinking only positive thoughts - phone call from sweet Donna this afternoon. Not going to jinx anything but I am bursting.
Guess I am going to have to cut this blog short....the beasts are getting hungry and the laundry needs to be flipped.
Hope you all have a awesome week and I dare to you do something that is totally 'rockstar'!
Hugs and happies. m
Love the bangs girl. Bet you used aquanet to hold up too!;)
NICE Hair!! I'm sure I could dig one up that is equally as bad!!!
That photo is AWESOME. Seriously, it brings back memories...LOL!!!!!
So good to hear from you and I'm sorry to hear about the laptop. :( Hmmm, I wonder what your pictures will be for our challenge?!?!?! hehe!
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