Thursday, May 24, 2007

Randon List of Today

* It is late. I am sitting here watching the Cub game feeling peaceful. Well, let me tell you, I will REALLY feel peaceful if they can try and maybe, like...WIN a game. That would be nice! It is raining out right now and the air is cool and it smells like fresh spring rain...nice, very nice.

* I have finished a page in a circle journal that I am in. Donna look for that baby to be heading your way. Now I have the rest of the weekend to work on projects for me. And I have a VERY LOOOONG list of things I want to work on.

* Karen at HCC is the first person that actually gave a crap about me as a person and as a student. She touched me today with her incredible kindness. I hope that I will be able to pay that one forward. I am thankful for people like Karen who come into my world.

* Our family is a family of list makers. I have mentioned it before and I know that it will be mentioned again. Along with list making there is also the art of note leaving. For example there was a note left on the bathroom mirror by Bai with a dry erase marker that said "MASON FLUSH THE TOILET!!!" and the next morning underneath that note there was one that said "no!!!!" (we all like our exclamation marks in the Moore family, LOL). I bring this up because these notes crack me up. They are who we are. This is a note that I found this morning after breakfast....

and in case you can't read that very well, here is the paper towel note up close.....

Mason wanted to keep the drinkable yogurt container to make a bug catcher out of it. Still makes me smile.

*This afternoon the wind here was something fierce. Booda was in the window and his ears were flopping like a superman cape wafting in the wind. Those ears entertained Shawn and I. Suuuper-PUG!

*I am reading this book Nineteen Minutes by by Joci Picoult. Amazing and a little disturbing, real-life disturbing. I love her books. She can completely write in a way that grips you. Her words not only paint the picture for you but they leave you saying "YES!!, I know exactly what you mean!". If you have not read one of her books I highly recommend. I haven't read all of them but they are all on my list.

* OK, the Cubs won and I am off to finish my book. Hope you all have had a great day and here's to a Flippin' ROCKIN' FRIDAY! m

My Happy for today: I am going to go with the Cubs winning (yes I am a die hard Cub fan and when they win it totally makes me happy).


dr said...

Love the notes!! Especially on the mirror. Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs!!

ahuonker said...

I am a list maker to...always have one that you have mirror notes...will you still be my friend if I don't like baseball all the much!!

Leah said...

LOL. Love the list. Love that you are feeling peaceful and I love that you shared your book recommendation. I am adding it to my list. LOL

Tanya said...

Cute lists.. made me chuckle!