Yep, sometimes that is what it is about....just hanging on. Knowing that that the sun will shine. Knowing that as bad as it may seem, it almost ALWAYS gets better. I was able to address a very heavy issue in my marriage, own my part in the matter, forgive (still working on this part-I am not so good at this), learn from mistakes, grow together, work together on making it better, and move on.
I am sorry for the heavy blog was my vent. It was my record that there are days like that. I must remind myself that I am in charge of my life. I am the one who decides how I am going to live it. It is my choice to fix what is wrong in my life and to hold on to happy! Seriously, I CHOOSE to hold onto the happiness in my life. One of the circles of life is, you have to have the bad in order to know how sweet the good is.
I must take a second to say thank you for all of the words of encouragement. Something I must work harder at doing is supporting others because I am better for your support.
Donna...your little diddy's make me smile ear to flippin' ear! I want you to start a mini book for me with them in there. That way I can put it in my studio and refer to them on "those days".
My Happy(s) for today: Good support, open minds, Diet Vanilla Pepsi (THANK YOU MIKEY), sunshine, the internet, and for the circles of life.
I think that picture says it all!!
I'm happy that you were able to divide and conquer!
The pic is soooo incredible. Can I go there? I wanna be there. Can't you just see the presence of God in that place?! How peaceful and serene. That makes me happy. Thanks!
Glad you enjoy the diddities. A book? That will take some thought, but it's not impossible!!
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