***What's a blog without some cool photos? I love seeing into other people's worlds through their blogs and pictures. Come to think about it...it is probably one of the reasons that I LOVE
scrapbooking magazines so very, very much. It is a glimpse into lives of others through their pictures and journals all captured in layouts.
This is a photo that I took last weekend when we took the
spontaneous trip up in the tower. There were little saying around the tower and this one kind of made me and Shawn say "

Found this picture on my camera...along with 50 other self portraits. Bailey is really into the 'art' of photography. Some of her pictures reminded me of Elsie
Flannigan. Just hip, free, funny kind of snapshots. Although in this particular picture
Bai isn't smiling (the world shines when she smiles) she wanted to "capture her eyes". Someone told her that dark eye liner makes her eyes pop. I am not going for the dark eye liner....a little teenager-parent battle. (Stay tuned to see who will win this one,

GRRRR (not a mad grrr, a tiger, look at my hot man and our cutie-patootie offspring kind of grrrr)! Shawn cut down a tree in our yard that had died (yes, Donna the 'drama tree') and of course a man needs to burn when he is destructing, right??? Anyway, I wanted to try and get some cool
pictures for
Wednesdays@3 and I
soooo totally did....can't wait until Wednesday. In the process I captured my Shawn and his little Mini-Me.
lol. So cute.

Now onto me....this taken by Bailey today and yes I have a
shiny face (I like to call it a glow, but really it is just so
stinkin' humid after the rain I am sweltering), and yes my scrap 'studio' is an absolute
disaster ares, and yes those are really my man hands, and yes there is one of my happy mugs with ...you guessed it COFFEE! Hey, does ANYONE know how to help me reduce the glare off of my glasses? It is becoming such a pet peeve of mine. Maybe I should just break down and wear my contacts more, huh??

***OK, enough with my pictures.
LOL. How about this....has everyone gotten their July/August Simple Scrapbook magazine?
OMGoh!!! Just looking at the cover makes me happy and causes a little drool to pool at the corner of my mouth AND it screams
SUMMER FUN!!! I can hardly wait to find inspiration through those pages. I am saving it though. Using it as a reward for getting crap done. Talk about self torture! {{{wink}}}
***Weighed in today at Weight Watchers. Down 1.4 more pounds. Yeah, that is good but .... it isn't so much the number for me it is my body. I want to feel good in my skin again, which means exercise. And I am tired of bitchin' about it. I am doing. For me and for Angie because she can't this week. Who's with me??? HECK YEAH WE WILL EXERCISE! chant it with me!! HEALTHY IS BEAUTIFUL. Donna-do, sweetie... I need an exercise-motivational diddy ;)
***One last thing and then I am going to go. Please don't assume things with or about me. I am completely open and if you ask I will tell you. I can be prone to knee-jerk kind of reactions but try not to....if something upsets you or bothers you let me know. If I can/want to I will fix it or clarify it. Don't just go off on a tangent because you have assumed something. K? :)
***Hope you all have a great Thursday! Tomorrow is a work day for me but I can still catch you through emails. HUGS and HAPPINESS. m
My Happy for today: To have found really incredible friends through a little website called scrapbook.com. You girls totally ROCK MY WORLD!! and I am seriously blessed to have found you.