Friday, February 26, 2010

Today was a good good day!

No picture.... I really feel the need to post one because I am such a visual person. But I am going to let that go and just blog :-D

Today I am happy.
Today I CHOOSE to be happy.

This morning I was able to sleep in because Shawn was home and got up with the kiddos.... great way to start off a day.

The sun was shining.... warmed and soothed my soul.

I went to the book store and found a couple of books on clearance that totally made me stop and think. Love those kind of books when you not only read the book but say .... yessssss!

Shawn cooked dinner..... there is something about my hubby cooking dinner that makes me feel so dang lucky. Probably because he doesn't do it often :O)

Had a job interview that went very well..... cannot wait for my path to become clearer.

I can see the light at the end of the nursing school tunnel.... nine weeks left of classes. ROCK ON!!

Picked up some copic markers.... love using those things in my art journal.

From the book It's Never Too Late... by Patrick Lindsay:

It's never too late.....
to find balance
It's a bit like class:
hard to define but you know it when you see it.
You'll know balance when you feel it.
Seek it in your work.
Your relationships.
Your family.
Your diet.
Your passions.
Enjoy the glow.

these words that speak to me.

I hope your day has been happy and if not I hope you CHOOSE to make tomorrow the happy day.
In fact, I challenge you to have THE BEST Saturday EVER!
Hugs and happies.

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