There will be no more riding of the 4wheeler for a while because it is in a million pieces. Shawn decided to "rebuild' it. Boys and their toys.....sigh.

1. I am down 6 pounds. Yeah me. is the same 6 pounds that I have gained and lost for the past 2 years but I am determined to push past that an get back into my hot momma pants!
2. Keep Shawn in your thoughts this week. His surgery is Wednesday and he can use all of the positive thoughts and prayers he can get.
3. Haven't really told you about Bai's homecoming but the bottom line was she was beautiful and I cried. I mean holy crap!!!! That is my baby girl looking like a little woman. I only have 3 years with her until she is out of high can that be. SIGH.... I must say though that we do like her current bf. He is a sweetie and a cutie and he treats her very nice. Also....he still gives his mom hugs in front of people which is totally coolness. AND you know what they say. A man will treat his girl like he treats his momma.
4. I need to take more pictures!!! Fall (my absolute favorite season) is slipping away. Not to mention time and life. GOL!....seriously I giggled out loud;O)
5. I am so very thankful. There are many times I don't say it or show it enough because I am usually bitchin' about something but I AM SOOOOO THANKFUL!!!! My goal this week is to say it and show it more.
6. Happy Birthday Jeff! The bestest stepdad EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you are now playing with a full deck....hehehehe that is from Mom!
My fly time is about up.
Talk to you all soon.
Hugs and Loves.
GREAT PIC!!!!!!!!
GO GO GO down 6 pds. go for more!! you can do it- I know you can - cause you're the girl - the girl with the plan. Hot mamma pants you'll get'm zipped- cause that halloween candy is off limits!!!!
Shawn is definitely in my prayers please keep us posted.
Good bf- don't act like you lik'm too much though. yah know not cool.
Hee hee- do we ever take enough pics??
I am thankful for you & your honesty lets start bloggin a thankful list.
Yeah- I love birthday cake & a full deck- must be some guy.
That photo is amazing!!!!
My thoughts will be with your hubby and you!
Take care.
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