Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hip and Updated
Just started a myspace thingy.
Why, you might ask??
Well...the main reason is that I have some cousing who I need to make better relationships with and they are all connected on the myspace.
It is kind of strange but I feel updated.
Kind of like the time you got your first cell phone and you felt like you were total coolness.
If feel totally cool!
And by the way - I have been informed by the next generation (AKA Bai) that "no one types LOL anymore." Well baby girl not only do I LOL, but I also LMAO and SLOL! So there.
Anyhoo...MUST DO HOMEWORK. I keep putting it off. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Loves and hugs.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Following Donna's Lead
1. Have you heard the saying "It's all about Bailey"? Well we have. A lot. And then if for some reason we missed something ... I see pictures of my beautiful Bailey EVERYWHERE. For instance my cell phone wallpaper is changed to a picture of Bai with the banner saying 'Bailey is my favorite'. (Totally made me LOL!)
2. Did I mention that it is all about Bai? HEHEHAHAHA! Seriously, I was going through the June pictures and 98% of them are of Bai. This means A.) I need to start taking some more pictures B.) It really is all about Bai, or C.) I am too flippin busy to take some pictures and Bailey has some extra time on her hands. I will say though that I am totally diggin' the photos she comes up with. They scream to me to be scrapped!
3. Sometimes it is about us too!!! Even if it is just an arm and leg of Shawn and me with some bugged out sunglasses and pulled back hair.
4. I have a love/hate relationship with our Booda-pug-dog. But a few weeks ago he had an allergic reaction to his shots and almost died. It was a scary moment in which I knew this crazy little animal is truly a part of our family.
5. We are smack dab in the middle of a bathroom remodel. It really couldn't have come at a better time ....BWAAAAHAAAA! (super duper sarcasm going on here) We only have one bathroom - I KNOW!! craziness! So we have been working around it and making do. But tempers are short and patience are thin. ALTHOUGH the leak behind the bathtub in the wall (which began this whole process) is fixed! Yes, my hubby rocks out loud. And our buddy Mikey too.
6. School, School, School. Bleck. Not going into too much detail here but four days a week and I have 3 weeks and 1 day left.
7. Shawn and Mason went to a local fishing derby. They didn't catch anything which bummed them both out but the matching shirts were priceless. Let's see which tree did this apple fall off of?????
8. Mason FINALLY got his haircut. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really do like the shorter hair. Call me old fashion but all that hair in his eyes was driving me bonkers! OK...just came up with a new picture to get and share with ya all....cutie patootie Mason with his new do (adding that to my list)
9. Reading. Mason and I have been doing a lions share of reading. He is in the summer reading program at the library and has been a reading machine. The other night I crawled into his bed with him and read my book while he read his. Side by side. An awesome moment. By the way, I am reading the new Jodi Picoult book Change of Heart and OH MY...a good one.
What I haven't been doing....
picture taking (mentioned that already)
cooking (fast food, FFA's (Moore-speak for Free For All, and frozen pizza have been the menu)
But I am crossing off blogging, I have chicken set out for dinner and I am going to finish up here and go S-C-R-A-P. I am giddy with the thought!
Hugs and happies to you.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Fly By Blogging
Just wanted to say hi.
The summer has me bogged down.
Thinking of my friends and sending hugs!
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Handful of Photo Sharing
I have 10 minutes while my homework is printing out to blog.
So I am sharing some photos and memories.
Info below pics ;O)

ALRIGHT....sigh....gotta go get some homework done.
8 Weeks.
I can do it.
Miss ya.
Hugs and happies.