Kind of in a funk lately.
Not really in a bad way.
More of a lazy, burnt up kind of funk.
I will be thankful when my nursing school days are behind me.
Some random.....
1. Missed blogging a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lil' guy (although I did Facebook it). Mason turned 10 on March 22nd. TEN!!! My baby is in double digits...sigh. Haven't been taking too many pictures lately but when I am able to capture Mason on film...this is usually what he is doing. Moving. Laughing. Making a face.
Mason said the other day as he was looking into the mirror;
"MOM! Did you know I have freckles??!!" Pointing to his nose
Me "ummm, yeah. I love your freckles!"
Mason "well I don't! I just want to wash them off"
I found it funny that he is soo NOT vain he is just now realizing he has freckles on his nose. Love his freckled nose!

3. Found these pictures of Bai and Shawn on my camera and was totally laughing. (I was helping with the carnival games prizes for the family fun night or I would have had a picture or two in here) What I think the funniest is how scary Shawn can look. He really is so laid back and non aggressive (most of the time) yet he can look so stinkin' tough. We are going to use that mean look for Bai's "boyfriends".

4. Nursing school is sucking the life out of me!
5. I have bills to pay, a sink full of dishes, laundry out the wazoo, a MOUND of unfinished projects with good intentions, and a list of homework to work on tonight but I don't care right now. Right now I am blogging, catching up, drinking coffee and happy that "Chuck" is on the boob tube tonight.
6. I need to take more time to be aware of all that I am blessed with.
Going to go dance like a maniac for the next 15 minutes then start working on my list. Seriously, try the dancing thing...just turn on a good song and rock out!
Hugs and happies.
You are soooo awesome!!!****
You take a little 'me me me' time just to keep a little sanity in your life.
"Dance like nobody is watching"
Thanks I needed a smile right now.
I so know how you feel right now.
Life is sucking the life outta me. LOL.
Jordan turned 11 on the 28th! How cool is that.
Take care sweetness. You'll be done before you know it!
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