Although I must say that I have been 100% full on crabby.
Cannot tell you exactly why, just that everything seems to have me grrrr'ing.
But(!) laundry is done, dishes are done, Bailey's furniture is painted (except for the touch up), the living room has been dusted, the vaccum has been run, AND I finished two layouts, and worked on a cj (it just needs some finishing touches).
I am going to scrap-share with ya...
Here is the fist layout. I had been working on this for a bit. The idea and first part of it came together really fast then I kind of stumbled and had issues with the embellishment part. Not exactly what I was going for but it worked. I think ;0)

Can't post any pictures of the work I did on Ms Donna's cj cause it is a secret! Shhhhhh! She is gonna love her journal when her circle is complete!
Random Musings:
1. Bai was reading some of my journaling from my Chicago Mini Scrapbook and she asked me "what is cha-oos?"----ummm what? I couldn't remember writing 'cha-oos', so I looked at what she was reading and the word was CHAOS. We all laughed at that one including her. She told us that she had done that before in school with the word UNIQUE. She asked her friend "what is un-i-kwy?" I must point out that she is pretty much a straight A student she just has my genetic make up for asking dumb questions before she really thinks it out.
2. Mason says that he is a HUGE Cardinals fan but doesn't want to bet a pebble that they will beat the Cubies tonight....hmmmpt. He must know that the Cubies will win ;0)
3. I have picked up this journal by Keri Smith called Wreck This Journal. L-O-V-E it!!! For as much grief as I give others about stepping outside the box this journal 'requires' you to do things that you would NEVER do in the name of creativity and it is sooooooo much fun (most of it anyway).
4. The past few weeks I have given up on myself. Does that sound a bit dramatic? But it is true. I want to be healthier. Plain and simple. This means I want to be strong in body and in mind. I want to eat better by better choices and better portions. The past few weeks...I haven't been doing any of this. Why might one ask? Well the truth is that for some reason I have given up on myself. When the going got hard, I stopped and said 'Oh well'. Not so cool. This week...number one on my list every single day will be to work on myself.
5. Would anyone happen to have the cure for crabbiness? I mean it really is to the point where I am not diggin' it. Ya know?
Hope whoever reads this has a fabulous week.
Hugs and happies.
My Happy for today: Allowing myself to play in the studio and completing the first of many layouts of me and Ang. Makes me smile.
Michelle, AWESOME layouts my dear! They turned out wonderfully! (is that a word?!)
I hope your day is full of sunshine today and that the gloomy cloud passes. I have those days, weeks, months sometimes, explanation at all for why.
This should help - OUR PRECIOUS CUBS ARE IN FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
xo - Shannon
Hi! My name is Helen....I came here via Christiane and Leah! I love your blog! And these scrap pages are wonderful! Are you over at also? TFS! Have a great day :)
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